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This product has more nutrients than POWER SAND BASIC, and on top of Bacter 100 and Clear Super, it contains BC powder (bamboo charcoal powder), which helps encourage the growth of plants. Choose an appropriate granule size (Small, Medium, Large) based on depth of aquarium water in your tank. 2-liter and 6-liter bags are available.


  • Very rich in nutrients
  • Contains Bacter 100 and Clear Super for the optimal start of your aquascape
  • Sufficient supply of oxygen is vital for aerobic bacteria. Insufficient oxygen prompts the activity of anaerobic bacteria which produce toxic substances such as nitrous acid
  • Organic matter in Power Sand or other bottom fertilizers such as Multi Bottom or Iron Bottom, can be absorbed by aquatic plants, only when they are broken down to inorganic matter by bacteria
  • Silt gathers around plant roots and provides a good medium for bacterial colonization. Proper functions of bacteria, through their nitrifying processes, change ammonia to nitrogen compounds which are then consumed by aquatic plants through their roots
  • Works effectively to stimulate the establishment of association between bacteria and aquatic plants
  • Nutrients contained in Power Sand are slowly dissolved and absorbed by plant roots
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Small 2 litres, Medium 6 Litres, Large 6Litres

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