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Tropica 1-2-Grow! – Leptodictyum riparium


Plant info

Type: Moss
Origin: Cosmopolitan
Growth rate: Medium
Height: 3 – 10+
Light demand: Low
CO2 : Low

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Leptodictyum riparium is a slender, upright moss that tolerates both high and low temperatures. Leptodictyum riparium is often called “stringy moss” and is found throughout most of the world, but is thought to have originated in Europe. It has an intense, slightly transparent green colour. An undemanding and easy moss that can adhere to rocks and tree roots in the aquarium. Growth is both vigorous and rapid, so regular trimming is required.
A generally good plant for beginners who want a unique effect in the aquarium. The moss is popular in nano aquariums, and often used as brood care and cover.

Weight 0,05 kg
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 7,5 cm