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Tropica Pots – Nesaea crassicaulis


Plant info

Type: Stem
Origin: Africa
Growth rate: Medium
Height: 20 – 30+
Light demand: Medium
CO2 : Medium

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Nesaea crassicaulis from Africa is a beautiful and highly recommended aquarium plant, although it has high light demands. It has red-brown, cognac-coloured leaves. Stems becomes 30-50 cm and 8-15 cm wide. Grows best in soft and slightly acidic water. Make sure the lower leaves get sufficient light or they will die off. This plant is similar to Ammannia species and is often mistaken for them. But in the aquarium it can be recognized by its yellow-green stems. Easy to propagate by side shoots or cuttings which you replant in the bottom.

Weight 0,07 kg
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 32 cm